Palestinian_flag_by_AlHurriyaPreparations are under way to convene the 11th Palestinians in Europe Conference in Belgium on Saturday 18th May 2013. The annual conference is organized by the General Secretariat of the Palestinians in Europe Conference, The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC).

FB_pagePreparations for the annual Palestinians in Europe conference are running smoothly. The 11th Conference, organized by the General Secretariat of the Palestinians in Europe Conference, The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), will be held in Belgium on Saturday 18th May 2013.

11th_conference_logo_updatedArrangements for the 11th Palestinians in Europe conference are running smoothly and more guests have been confirmed. The 11th Conference, organized by the General Secretariat of the Palestinians in Europe Conference, The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), will be held in Brussels, Belgium on Saturday 18th May 2013.

136908509627244700_resizedThe 11th Palestinians in Europe Conference ended in Brussels, on Saturday, 18th May 2013. The conference was convened under the title, “Signs of Return is blossoming”. Thousands of Palestinians participated in the annual event, which was attended by delegations from various European countries.