oslo2The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) and the Exeter Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (IAIS) have joined to host the International Conference on the Oslo Accords.

The 1993 framework for ending the Palestinian Israeli conflict has dominated for decades. The temporary process has become a permanent reality for twenty years, under which Israeli occupation and Palestinian dispossession has become more concrete than ever before.


In marking the twentieth anniversary, the two day conference will provide comprehensive review and analysis of the Accords. A number of international experts: including leading academics, film makers, researchers and policy makers, will give in-depth presentations on major topics including final status issues.


Time: Saturday & Sunday 7th, 8th September 2013

From 9am to 5 pm each day


P21 Gallery 21 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD, UK

Book your seat now: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., seats are very limited!

Conference Provisional Timetable



Opening Session:


Ambassador Prof. Manuel Hassassian (TBC)*, Clare Short (TBC), Jeremy Corbyn (MP), Baroness Jenny Tonge, Majed Al Zeer

Key Note Speech:

Abdul Bari Atwan (Prominent Palestinian Commentator and previous editor in chief of Al Quds Al Arabi)

Session One: The Road to Oslo

Topic 1: From the Nakba to Oslo: Evolution of Palestinian struggle for human rights and self determination

Speaker: Daud Abdulah, Director of Middle East Media Monitor

Topic 2: Israel’s road to Oslo: Conflict management or conflict resolution

Speaker: Illan Pappé, Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies - University of Exeter, Author of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Session Two: Film Screening “Behind Oslo”


  • Topic1: Documentary Film by Rawan al Dameen on the Oslo Process
  • Topic 2: Discussion

Speaker: Rawan Al Damen, Producer and Director, Programs Department Al Jazeera, Director of Al Nakba film

Session Three: Oslo’s Wider Geopolitical Context


  • Topic 1: Role of the West in the Oslo Process?

Speaker: Rosemary Hollis, Professor of Middle East Policy Studies

  • Topic 2: Oslo’s fatal flaws?

Speaker: Petter Bauck, Senior Advisor on conflict-related issues in the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and Editor of upcoming book on Oslo


Session Five: Impact of Oslo


  • Topic 1: Impact on the just resolution of the refugee question

Speaker: Oroub El-Abed, PHD Researcher Associate Member SOAS

Topic 2: Detention and Imprisonment of Palestinians under Oslo.

Speaker: Khaled Waleed- U-Free Network

Topic 3: What was achieved by devolving authority over education to Palestinians

Speaker: Gillian Kerr-Sheppard, Researcher at University of Sydney, Australia

Session Six:

Impact of Oslo continued

Topic 1: Impact on the Political Thinking of Palestinian Leadership

Speaker: Emile Badarin, PhD student in Middle East Politics, his research is focused on the Palestinian political discourse between exile and occupation

  • Topic2: Theft of Water and Palestinian Resource

Speaker, Ismail Patel, Chairman of FOA

Session Seven: After Oslo


  • Topic1: Thinking Beyond Oslo.

Speaker: Dr. Ghada Karmi, leading Palestinian activist, academic and writer author of Married to Another Man

Topic2: The Future of Oslo and Palestine, "The Framework for Justice and Peace in Palestine

Speaker: Uri Davis, of Fath Revolutionary Council & Palestine National Council, ethnically cleansed and occupies Palestine

Session Eight: The Future of Oslo and Palestine

Round Table Discussion by conference speakers