hebron_israeli_soldi_24746tThe Israeli military abducted, on Wednesday morning, three Palestinians from the town of Hebron, while a group of Israeli settlers plowed Palestinian lands in the east of Yatta, south of Hebron. Security sources reported to the Wafa News Agency that the Israeli army abducted three citizens after invading their houses and took them to an unknown destination. The citizens were identified as Mohannad Siyaj, 25 years old, ‘Ala Abu Isbeh,18, and Yahya Shenyour, 17.

The sources added that the Israeli Military searched houses of Palestinian residents and handed them orders to appear at the nearest police station for questioning.

Furthermore, The Israeli army erected military checkpoints at the entrances of towns including Beit ‘Awa, Yatta, Halhoul, Doura, Beit Kahil and al-Fawwar Refugee Camp, stopping vehicles to search the identity of passengers.

A witness reported that a number of Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian lands in Khirbat Janba, east of Yatta, under the protection of Israeli military personell and the forces of the Israeli border guards.
