al-nakba-day-wounded-palestinian-300x206SIDON: Israeli warplanes flew over south Lebanon Monday as Palestinian refugees prepared to bury their relatives killed a day earlier by Israeli gunfire along the border with the Jewish state during Nakba Day commemorations.
All 12 Palestinian refugee camps across Lebanon declared a day of mourning as families of the victims prepared separate funerals at the southern refugee camps of Ain al-Hilweh, Mieh Mieh, al-Buss and Burj al-Shamali.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Army and U.N. peacekeepers ran patrols along the border with Israel, a day after protesters marched on the border at Maroun al-Ras, sparking clashes that left 11 people dead in the annual day of mourning for the Nakba – the establishment of Israel in 1948.

Security sources raised the death toll to 11 Monday after a man died of his wounds.

Israeli troops Sunday shot dead 15 people and wounded hundreds more as Palestinians marched on its borders with Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, each home to generations of Palestinians deprived of their right to return to Palestine ever since the establishment of the Jewish state.

More than 100 people were also wounded on the Lebanese side of the border with Israel Sunday when hundreds of Palestinian refugees pelted Israeli troops with stones from Maroun al-Ras.

A security source told The Daily Star online that Israeli troops were examining the barbed wire fence separating the Lebanese-Israeli border to check for any breaches or damage.

Munir Makdah, Fatah commander in Lebanon, said talks were under way for a “Martyrs’ Friday” to honor the victims.

“This will not end here,” Makdah told AFP. “We may hold a ‘Martyrs’ Friday’ but what the program will entail has not been finalized and we are still holding talks with our comrades here and abroad.”

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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::