
Popular political forces and nationalist personalities established a tent in the square of the club of Al-Baq’a camp in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails. The political forces had called for a fast and observed its breaking in the same tent. The activity comprised speeches by representatives of the political forces, where there was unanimous agreement of the participants in that the international community should intervene to save these prisoners from the series of torture and oppression enacted upon them by the Zionist entity, and asserting the justice of their cause.

Dr. Aaron Gandhi, the grandson of the late Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi, during his visit to the tent of solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in Al-Baq’a camp, stressed the right of the Palestinian people to return, and the establishment of an independent state. He called during the visit, in which he was accompanied by a delegation from the US organisation for peace and non-violence, for an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people, who are living in difficult circumstances under the Israeli occupation, pointing out the importance of making the World abroad aware, and especially in the United States of this suffering. Articulating his hope that he would be able to deliver his message to the Palestinian people who are resisting for the sake of justice, and freedom. Gandhi called on the Israelis to make peace with the Palestinians, emphasising that violence only bred violence, and that the road of non-violence was the only way to bring about peace. He also announced his intention to fast in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails, articulating his hope for their release in the close imminent future.

A number of inhabitants of the camp participating in the tent also spoke of their suffering calling for their voices to be transmitted of their legitimate right to return to their occupied homeland.