Members of the Palestinian National Assembly held a meeting in Amman last month to examine the so-called “Geneva Agreement”, which many consider to be a violation of national Palestinian unity and an erosion of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian population.

In a public statement issued after their meeting the delegates warned that the Geneva initiative greatly undermines the fundamental principles of the Palestinian cause which are guaranteed by decisions of the National Palestinian Assembly and the Central Palestinian Assembly.

These agreements are based on legitimate international agreements, and in particular Resolution 194 of 1948 concerning Palestinian refugees, asserting their right to return to the homes from which they were displaced.

The members of the Assembly insisted that the right of return is an individual and collective right which lies at the very heart of the Palestinian question. It cannot be traded with or altered by any one party.

More than a third of the Palestinian population have been forced, for decades, to live in exile in extremely difficult conditions while Jews of all races and nationalities have been able to enter historic Palestine at any time and live on its land. In their press release the Assembly members affirmed their total rejection of the Geneva Agreement and its attempt to destroy Palestinian national unity.

They condemned the authors of the Agreement and urged them to reconsider their position. Additionally, the release emphasized the importance of exposing and opposing such initiatives and of making the Palestinian population aware of the dangers they pose to Palestinian unity and rights, and, in particular, the fundamental right of return.

Source: Mounir ‘Aql - Amman