
The head of the main United Nations agency helping Palestinian refugees has stressed the importance of Syria’s contribution in helping it perform its work.

“The continuing generosity of the Syrian Government is vital to enable UNRWA to carry out its mission,” the Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, Karen Koning AbuZayd, said at the end of a visit last week to Syria, which hosts more than 400,000 Palestinian refugees.

Ms. AbuZayd met with Syrian Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Dardrai, Foreign Minister Farouk al-Shara'a, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Dyala Haj ‘Aref and the Director-General of the General Authority for Palestine Arab Refugees, Ali Mustafa, briefing them on developments taking place in UNRWA.

Addressing the refugee community in Jaramana Camp, she underlined the significance of the UNRWA’s continued services to the refugees in Syria “until a just and lasting solution to their problem is reached.

“The Agency will continue to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugees without prejudice to their rights,” she added.