palestinian_childAn Israeli court Wednesday forced a Palestinian family living in Ras al-Amud area in East Jerusalem to evacuate part of their house and give it to Jewish settlers. The ruling came after an 11 year legal battle fought by the Hamdallah family to save their home.

Dimitri Diliani, Fatah Revolutionary Council member, said the court ruled that the family must evacuate the parts of the house built after 1989, which are a chicken coop and a storage shed. However,  a court official then determined that these parts include a room inhabited by a couple and a child, in addition to the front yard of the house.

Haaretz newspaper quoted Khaled Hamdallah, a family member, as saying: 'Three people live in this room. We don't know what to do. I don't even care anymore. I feel like dying. They want to throw us out completely. The police is with them, the judges are with them. So what's the point?”

The Hamadallah home is located near Ma'aleh Zeitim, a settlement block composed of 100 Jewish families.

American Irving Moskowitch, one of the biggest supporters of Israeli settlements, in 1990 bought the land on which the home and settlements are located, from some Jewish orthodox groups who claimed their ownership of the land since 1948.

Although the family lived in the house since 1952, the court favored Moskowitch and gave him legal order to partially own the house.

Diliani said the court provides Moskowitch and other Jewish supporters with illegitimate legal cover to seize lands and real estate in occupied East Jerusalem.

Israeli courts violate international law which bans an occupying country from transferring its citizens to occupied areas, in addition to the fact that Israeli courts are illegitimate in Palestinian territory occupied in 1967, Diliani concluded.