raed_copyMonday 4 July 5.30-7pm opposite Downing Street.  On Friday 1st July Mr. Raed Salah was transferred from an Immigration Detention Centre to a formal prison. No good reason for this transfer has been given. The transfer to prison will significantly interfere with the preparation of Mr Salah's appeal against the Deportation Order. The deadline for Mr Salah to Appeal is the 6th July 2011 . The prison have informed Mr. Salah's lawyer that his legal team will not be able to visit him until the 11th July, 5 days after the deadline is due to pass.

The silent protest will symbolise both the British government's attempt to silence Sheikh Raed Salah, and the government's prevention of him speaking to his legal team.

Palestinians unite over condemnation of British government's treatment of Sheikh

Raed Salah

The Palestinian National Assembly for Jerusalem has expressed its dismay and condemnation of the British government's action, joining with members of the Israeli Knesset, Fatah, Salam Fayyad, and the Follow Up Committee. Concern over his continued incarceration unites Palestinians from right across the Palestinian political spectrum.


Called by PSC, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Friends of Al-Aqsa