2806755670_8dbaebcf5a20,000 people locked in with barbed wire and trenches The Sun rarely rises upon this camp without bringing a new catastrophe. An ever-renewable wound and constant suffering have become a permanent characteristic of the Balata refugee camp near Nablus.

Cheering crowds have greeted the arrival of Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to Lebanon. But though the Iranian president’s car was strewn with flowers and rice on his way to meet Lebanon’s leaders, for many Lebanese his visit is an alarming one. The Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, backed by Iran, is seen as stoking division across the region and encouraging the rise of Islamic radicalism, particularly among Lebanon’s Palestinian refugees.

In a tiny Palestinian refugee camp that stares at the azure Mediterranean Sea, sweating workers toil at a noisy concrete mixer as they raced before sunset to finish construction of the last pillar that will hold the upper level of a small house.

24191_319810259205_675279205_3298264_3822509_nYesterday night, the French-German Cultural Center in Ramallah screened a series of short films produced by youth in refugee camps throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The screening was held in coordination with venues in Nablus, Gaza City and Amman, Jordan to commemorate International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

13BEIRUT: Now in its tenth year and still no closer to achieving its goal, the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition vowed Monday to continue its fight for the right to return to Palestine, and not just for third-country resettlement.


Gaza, December 8,The Israeli Air Force attacked a hennery as well as smuggling tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip early Wednesday morning; one injury was reported by Palestinian sources.