gaza_kids_thumb200_200GAZA-BASED psychiatrist Eyad al-Sarraj has won Sweden’s Olof Palme prize for his dedication to reconciliation and peace between Palestinians and Israelis.


A human rights committee for Palestinian refugees’ affairs in Jordan has claimed that 60 percent of Palestinians in refugee camps across the country live below the poverty line due to a reduction in the level of health, education and social services provided by the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

kidnapEarly Tuesday morning, the Israeli military abducted three Palestinians from Jenin Refugee Camp, during a raid on houses in the camp, and abducted four more Palestinians from the town of Selat al-Haritheya.

Palestinians-queue-for-pe-007Gaza is facing acute fuel shortages as a result of the unrest in neighbouring Egypt, which has caused supplies of petrol and diesel smuggled through tunnels to almost dry up.

kidnapStatistics released Sunday by the prisoner affairs ministry in Gaza reveal Israel arrested around 300 Palestinians in January during arrest campaigns sweeping the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

flotilaPIC- Muhammad Kaya, head of IHH's branch office in the Gaza Strip, has affirmed that the second Freedom Flotilla aid convoy would reach Gaza Strip by end of May on the first anniversary of the first Freedom Flotilla massacre.