

The official number of Palestinian refugees in Syria is over 400,000 (3% of the Syrian population), though those unregistered mean the real number is far higher.

pallebBEIRUT: Since his death at the age of 36, Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani has become something of a legend. Journalist, literary critic, novelist and spokesman of the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine, he produced an extraordinary body of work in his short life.

An Israeli human rights group has accused the police of arresting Palestinian minors as young as five in east Jerusalem and dealing with them in ways that violate the country's laws, as well as international laws.



GAZA CITY — Maltese Foreign Minister Tonio Borg on Friday promised during a visit to the Gaza Strip to donate funds to the United Nations agency caring for Palestinian refugees.

The first Asia to Gaza solidarity caravan reached Tibriz from Tehran on 13th December, 2010. On the way the people of Zanjan welcomed the caravan and offered lunch. The mayor of Tibriz, Alireza Novin, hosted the caravan. The member of the caravan from Republic of Azerbaijan, Hakim Alijade, was the most popular with the crowd as he spoke in Turkish which is a popular language in this region of Iran.

gazaguyGAZA - Since March 2010, 97 people have been shot in Gaza for collecting stones. This is one of the few ways a person can actually make money here at all.