army_of_israel_is_crazyBRUSSELS, August 3, 2011 (WAFA) – The European Union Tuesday urged Israel to inquire into the death of two Palestinians killed on Monday by Israeli soldiers in a military operation in Qalandia refugee camp near Ramallah.

28_hebron_home_dedemolition_israelDemolitions by the Israeli authorities in the West Bank have escalated alarmingly. Figures released today by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) show that 700 people were displaced in the first six months of 2011 (excluding July), compared with 594 in the whole of 2010.

gaza-aid_1243584cOn 31 July, a convoy of trucks carrying food to feed 56,000 families departed from the warehouses of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization in Amman, bound for the Gaza Strip. This generous in-kind contribution from the Saudi Committee will provide poor Palestine refugee families in the Gaza Strip with essential food items such as flour, rice, sugar, oil and pulses to mitigate daily hardships. Al-Raya International Company has been appointed by the Saudi Committee to handle the shipment, which will be coordinated by the Jordan Hashemite Charitable Organization, which has kindly again offered its expertise and services to the Agency.

 Israeli_raid_on_Gaza_2_by_Latuff2Israeli warplanes carried out a series of raids on the Gaza Strip Thursday at dawn, injuring two young children and damaging homes and belongings.

wallabudisThe Israeli forces removed an iron gate that has blocked traffic on a main road to Nablus area village for nine years, Monday said local officials.

lebanon_palestineSIDON, Lebanon: Residents of the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh are devastated by the extensive damage to their property after hours of armed clashes between local groups in the camp which left six wounded over the weekend, two of whom are said to be in a critical condition.