nakbaA quick search for 'Palestine' on (the world's biggest book retailer) reveals over 15,000 available entries. There is clearly no shortage of literature on the subject, much as thereis no shortage of discussion or opinion around the world.

maanBethlehem (Ma'an) – The EU Representative to the Palestinian territories said Monday he hoped for "all the refugees to go home" as soon as possible, during a visit to West Bank village Al-Walaja.

gaza4-3-thumbFor anyone who has covered Israel, the West Bank and Gaza over the past few years, reading Occupation of the Territories, the new book from the Israeli ex-soldiers organisation Breaking the Silence, can be an eerily evocative experience.

hebron_israeli_soldi_24746tThe Israeli military abducted, on Wednesday morning, three Palestinians from the town of Hebron, while a group of Israeli settlers plowed Palestinian lands in the east of Yatta, south of Hebron.

setellmentsinjerusalemBrussels - PNN - On Wednesday European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton released a statement condemning Israel's expansion of the Gilo settlement beyond the Green Line.

arresting-womanIsraeli troops have stormed Awarta village in the northern West Bank, arresting more than 100 women as they hunted the killers of an Israeli family from the illegal settlement of Itamar, officials said.