UNRWA inaugurated today a photo exhibition at UNESCO Palace in Beirut in the presence of representatives of the European Union, representative of the PLO in Lebanon Dr Abdallah Abdallah, as well as senior UNRWA officials.

Scores of refugee women and girls across Gaza took part in a campaign about the importance of education earlier this month, as part of UNRWA’s efforts to reduce gender inequality in education.

On the 44th anniversary of Naksa (setback) Day, Palestinians and especially in Syria marked this anniversary on Sunday with protests near the Golan Heights in which the Israeli occupation fired on the protesters and martyred 23 people.

Palestinian refugees across Lebanon commemorate the 44th anniversary Naksa day (the Defeat Day) on Sunday.

Gaza City - PNN - An Olympic-style torch relay officially kicked off the Gaza Summer Games on Thursday in the Gaza Strip, reports UNRWA.

israel_armyOCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed the Aisawiye village in occupied Jerusalem on Sunday evening triggering confrontations with its inhabitants.