al-nakba-day-wounded-palestinian-300x206SIDON: Israeli warplanes flew over south Lebanon Monday as Palestinian refugees prepared to bury their relatives killed a day earlier by Israeli gunfire along the border with the Jewish state during Nakba Day commemorations.


MAROUN AL-RAS: Ten Palestinian protesters were shot dead and 112 others wounded Sunday by Israeli forces along Lebanon’s borders with Israel as thousands of unarmed Palestinians rallied to the frontier to mark the Nakba, the 63rd anniversary of the expulsion from their homeland.

By UNRWA Public Information Office -  Over the weekend UNRWA’s psycho-social community project culminated in an epic kite flying event held in the village of Al Walajeh located between Jerusalem and the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem.

gazaIsraeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has approved the construction of 294 new illegal Jewish settler units in the occupied Palestinian land.


Seventeen-year-old Mohammed al-Saleh grew up in Burj al-Shemali refugee camp in south Lebanon, caring little about politics and more about football and FC Barcelona. However, when it came to Palestine, Mohamed's 16-year-old cousin, also named Mohammed, described him as saying, "He would always say that Palestinians inside [under Israeli occupation] sacrifice a lot, and we also have to sacrifice."

The opening of Rafah on 28 May, the only official border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, has created a lifeline for Palestinians living in Gaza, but some, mostly refugees, will still be restricted to their localities because they lack identification papers.